Building and Conservation
Deliberations concerning the location, demand for and nature of St Andrew's Anglican College began in 1992.
St Andrew's College was originally planned to open in time for the 2002 School Year. However, a decision was made to amend the Master Plan to accommodate the natural habitat of the Wallum Tree Frog, an endangered species.
Building works began in 2002 and the first day of the College's operation was not until the following year, on 28 January 2003. The whole community was invited to join in the celebration and Archbishop Aspinall commissioned Mrs Sue Hornum to be the College's Foundation Principal.
An in-depth management plan continues to ensure that the area on which the College is located remains in its natural state, and the Wallum Tree Frog is not further endangered. This environmentally protected area is an admired feature of St Andrew's and provides students with a dynamic local reserve on their doorstep.
The College is named after the apostle Andrew, who was called to become a disciple of Jesus—a person of vision. As a Christian school, St Andrew's reflects a definite Christian ethos and encourages students to seek a Christ-like character.
In 2003, 161 students made the leap of faith to join St Andrew's and with a staff full of pioneering spirit, our College has never looked back. The support and commitment of the original families was instrumental in the College’s growth and subsequent success. Today, community and parent/guardian involvement is actively encouraged and is a pivotal part of College life. The College now has more than 1400 students and is a leading education establishment on the Sunshine Coast.
The College now has more than 1400 students and is a leading education establishment on the Sunshine Coast.