Globally Connected
Our students live in a globally orientated and highly connected world.
There is now a diversity of language and culture, leading to a growing interdependence of people, communities, and nations. At the same time, injustice prevails through the growing gap of inequality. We embrace educational outcomes to build cultural intelligence and contribute to the holistic development of our students. The elements of our Global and Service Learning provide the framework to grow through the areas of service, partnership, overseas trips and post-school programs. Through these, students develop awareness, leadership, specific skills and relationships that will assist them to become global change agents in their chosen fields. Students are presented with an exceptional array of opportunities to advocate for justice, contribute to charity projects and engage in service learning at St Andrew's.
Our Global and Service Learning Program has twice been recognised as ‘Best Co-Curricular Program’ at the 2019 and 2020 Australian Education Awards.
Service Learning
At St Andrew's, we place great value in our students being committed to giving back to the community.
Students are presented with an exceptional array of opportunities to advocate for justice, contribute to charity projects and engage in service learning at St Andrew's. Some of the international service and experiential learning opportunities throughout year levels include trips to Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Japan, Spain, Scotland, Bali and Everest Base camp in Nepal.
St Andrew's also places great value in student involvement with local communities. St Andrew's Serves is our key service learning program that connects meaningful community service experiences with academic learning, personal growth and civic responsibility that inspires an attitude of empathy and compassion towards all members of our local and wider community. In preparing the next generation of leaders in our society, St Andrew's Serves involves weekly activities including 'backyard blitz', Soup Kitchen, Smith Family Reading Buddies and dune regeneration. Our students are involved in many other service activities throughout the year, including surf lifesaving, musical performances at nursing homes, ANZAC Services and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Beyond St Andrew's
The Beyond program connects students with opportunities, including further travel and education, post Year 12 including through volunteer work overseas, an internship or a GAP year to one of our partner schools in Scotland.

Partner Schools
The opportunity to experience different cultures and perspectives contributes to expanding the horizons of our students by offering insight into how the world works. Opportunities within the program vary from short-term project based partnerships, to longer-term school exchanges.