Our Sport Program
Participation in sport teaches invaluable lessons that complement those learnt in the classroom. Our sport program supports students to build personal capacity through teamwork, commitment, respect, leadership, and discipline.
The philosophy of the St Andrew's sport program gives all students the chance to enjoy a wide range of sports, with a high standard of specialist coaching. Through the power of an inclusive, vibrant, and welcoming sporting program and St Andrew’s community, students can develop their confidence, friendships, passions and potential, no matter their skill level.
Pathways are also available for students to represent the College, as well as at higher levels. St Andrew's is proud to have produced athletes at the elite level, including Commonwealth Games and Olympic medallists.
For most sports, St Andrew’s students compete as part of the Independent District within the Sunshine Coast Schools Sport Region, in one of two age groups, which are 10-12 years and 13-19 years.
Representative Sport
Independent District Representation
This is the representative level higher than representing the College. Selected students compete at the Sunshine Coast Regional Carnival against six other districts, students are then eligible for selection to attend the State Championships, representing the Sunshine Coast region. Students attending these trials would typically be experienced players who have excelled at school and/or club level sport.
Independent District Representation Eligibility
Selection is available to all 10 to 19 year olds in a wide variety of sports in the primary and secondary. Each sport has its own age groupings for representative levels.
In order to represent the district or region, students are required to attend trials. The College endeavours to get as many students as possible to the selection trials. However, numbers are restricted at trials, in which case, a decision will be made by the Sport Department as to who will attend.

Students wishing to trial are required to:
- Go to https://scissa.asn.au/trial-information/
Please note: numbers are restricted at trials, in which case, a decision will be made by the Sport Department as to who will attend.
Only students who are perceived to be at Representative level standard will be permitted to attend.
2. Please come to the Sport department to register your interest in a trialing or alternatively please email rbeckett@saac.qld.edu.au The Sport department will send the relevant paperwork, which will confirm that you are eligible to trial.
- Students are then personally required to register for the trial via the online process.
A Mouthguard Consent Form is required to be completed and taken to the District and/or Regional trial in AFL, Hockey, Rugby League, Water Polo and Rugby Union. This form will be contained in the paperwork for these sports.
For students turning 13 or older they are eligible to attend a trial to represent the Independent District at the Sunshine Coast Regional Carnival. Students must see Mr Beckett prior to attending any trial, as nominations must go through the sports office.
Students turning 10, 11 or 12, are eligible to attend a trial to represent the Independent District at the Sunshine Coast Regional Carnival. Students must see Mr Beckett or the sport TIC prior to attending any trial, as nominations must go through the Sports Office.
Some sports do not have an Independent District trial and students go directly to a Sunshine Coast Regional level.
If you are interested in attending the trial for this sport please complete the forms and get it signed off by the sport office.