Meet our new Gappies
26 August 2024

This term we welcomed three new GAP-year students to St Andrew's. Millie and Jo join us from Scotland, while Araya joins us from South Africa. As GAP students they have been immersing themselves in all that is St Andrew's and are looking forward to the next 12 months in Australia.
Why did you chose to take a GAP year?
M: I chose to take a GAP year because I've always had a desire to travel while also learning many valuable life lessons- and this enables me to both! On top of that at home I am very young for my year and didn't want to rush into Uni, so it felt perfect. I also think it would have been crazy to pass up such an amazing opportunity- because in 15 years time I'm not going to look back and think, I wish I haden't have taken a year out.
A: I’ve always loved being independent and for high school I went to a boarding school which I thoroughly enjoyed. I thought taking a gap year would further my independence and my personal growth, it’s an absolute bonus that I was able to take my gap year abroad in the beautiful Sunshine Coast. I also wanted a break from academic stress and to have a bit of an adventure before starting university!
J: I chose to take a gap year as I didn't want to rush into university. After 13 years of education, I wanted a break before doing another four years at university. St Andrew's seemed like the perfect fit for a year abroad where I could work and do the things I enjoyed while also living independently and away from home.
What are you most looking forward to about your time here?
M: My answer before coming would have definitely been travelling however having been here a month I can say you enjoy day to day life at the school just as much as I think I will enjoy travelling!
A: I would definitely say meeting new people and experiencing different cultures both in my travel and at the school itself. I’m super excited to make the most of the opportunity and see as much of this side of the world as I can, something I was 100% looking forward to!
J: I'm most looking forward to the lovely weather as I’m very used to constant rain and cold temperatures. Having Christmas in a hot climate will be very interesting. I'm also looking forward to seeing lots of Australia and enjoying all it has to offer.
Is St Andrew's what you expected?
M: I didn't really set any expectations so I wouldn't have been let down, however if I had it has exceeded all of them. It's safe to say everyone here is 100x friendlier than Scotland!
A: It is what expected and so much more. My interview process was amazing because of how kind and friendly Susie Ainsworth and Tim Barrett were. It really made me hope that they would choose me to work here! Everyone I’ve meet at the school has been incredibly supportive, friendly and welcoming and the work itself has been so fun and enjoyable. It makes me super excited for the year ahead!
J: I didn’t have many expectations going in, but I didn’t expect the level of friendliness from everyone and how many things there are to get involved in. I couldn't be luckier to be a gappie here.
What are you hoping to do after your GAP year?
M: After my GAP year I am studying Business Management at the University of St Andrew's (funnily enough) - while also hoping to pick up International Relations and Psychology before deciding what I would like to do my masters in.
A: I’m very interested in pursuing a career in teaching, it’s one of the reasons I applied for this position. After teaching for a few years I’d love to go back to university to do a master's in Psychology. Helping people has always been a passion of mine and I’ve always found it very fulfilling and I feel like these degrees definitely line up with that!
J: After my gap year I’m hoping to study Law at the University of Glasgow as I’d originally planned to go there this year but decided to do a gap year instead.