
Meet our 2024/2025 College Leaders

03 October 2024


Introducing our College Captains for 2024/2025, Mikaela, Ben, Keira and Bryce. These leaders will guide us through the exciting year ahead and their engagement, passion and commitment to our College community make them perfect for the role.

What inspired you to nominate for Captain?

Be: Over the years at St Andrew's I have always admired the student leaders and their passion for the College. I am so proud of the College community and very grateful for the opportunities it has provided. I see it as a way of giving back to those who have supported me throughout my schooling life.

M: I was inspired to nominate for Captain because I wanted to give back to the community who has been so supportive during my schooling journey. I have been given so many opportunities through the College and made so many lasting friendships here, and I would love to share this with other students. I also believed that I had ideas which can help benefit the students and school community and I hope to put these into the works throughout my time as captain.

Br: The thing that inspired me to become captain was the knowledge that I could have an impact on younger individuals of St Andrew's and set an example for them to act like.

K: Since my early days at St Andrew's, I've been surrounded by a community that has encouraged my personal growth and helped define my values through so many diverse experiences and connections. My appreciation for this inspired my nomination for Collage Captain, as I believe that having a leadership position allows me to give back to a community that has provided me with so many fantastic opportunities.

What does being a leader mean to you?

Be: It is about being a conscientious role model who supports others to feel valued and included. Leaders inspire others to be the best version of themselves.

M: To me being a leader means that trying to empower others to be the best they can be by fostering an environment where everyone is supportive and caring. To me, a leader is someone who serves without expecting anything back from the community, by just doing it out of the goodness of their heart. A leader will always set a good example by always having a positive attitude and being able to brighten someone’s day.

Br: To me being a leader is being able to have people look up to you based on your actions, you must be able to acknowledge when something is wrong and make changes to ensure it is made right.

K: To me, being a leader is having a purpose-driven approach to everything and initiating ideas for the benefit of our community. It consists of bringing people together to make an environment where all feel empowered to engage and contribute towards a shared vision. I believe that this can really make a positive impact on those around you by bringing out the leadership in all.

What do you love about St Andrew's?

Be: It is a nurturing environment due to the exceptional, compassionate staff who provided a variety of opportunities for all students. The school’s extracurricular programs are second to none and the academic support is available at all times.

M: The thing I love most about St Andrew's is the community that has been created. Just knowing that everyone has your back and would help you if you needed anything. I love the friendships with my peers but also the teachers as they always want the best for you.

Br: The thing I love about St Andrew's is that it is an inclusive school that makes sure people allow the best version of themselves to shine through. The school has wonderful teachers that are always willing to help students get the best out of themselves.

K: What I love about St Andrew's is the diverse approach to learning that has provided many opportunities in education, community engagement, and a broad range of perspectives. These experiences provide exposure to new possibilities and a supportive environment that encourages character development and meaningful relationships. I have a deep appreciation for the friendships, pathways, and the sense of belonging at St Andrew's, as I believe it has help shaped who I am today.

What do you hope to achieve?

Be: I hope to inspire all students to engage and take advantage of the many opportunities that are available to them. Creating an inclusive culture that encourages participation and self-worth are my highest priorities.

M: While I am captain, I hope to foster a community which values encouragement and collaboration. I hope to continue to grow ideas of past captains such as the body program and create new initiatives that will enable students to have a positive and meaningful school experience.

Br: I hope to achieve the knowledge that I positively impacted the school moving forward, by not only being a role model, but providing ideas that the school may benefit from.

K: Within my leadership role, I wish to enrich our school culture by fostering collaboration and spirit amongst students. I believe that this can be achieved by encouraging an environment that allows all to feel valued and engaged in all aspects of College life. My goal is for our Captain team to leave a lasting impactful legacy that inspires current and future students to continue contributing to the St Andrew’s community. I hope to accomplish this by working collaboratively as a team in a range of initiatives that can be carried on for years to come.

If you were Prime Minister, what would you change?

Be: I would advocate for increased funding to disadvantaged students so that they can access similar sporting and cultural programs to what St Andrew's offers. I recognise that school activities can open the door to many opportunities for future success.

M: If I was Prime Minister, I would change the policies regarding climate change and the environment. Australia has set a goal of achieving net-zero by 2050, however I believe that this should be brought sooner. As David Attenborough has said “Nature once determined how we survive but now we determine how nature survives”. Living in the Sunshine Coast we see the beauty of nature every day, and if we don’t make a change and push for earlier targets nature will suffer.

Br: As Prime Minister I am unsure of what I would change because being a Prime Minister has many struggles to be able to balance what can and cannot be done. However, if there were no regulations in place I would move for more affordable residency for university students and young parents.

K: Currently, 3.3 million Australians are living in poverty due to numerous factors including the decrease in housing affordability. Meaning many Australian families and children are unable to have stable living conditions, subsequently affecting their immediate safety and their long-term education and health. If I were Prime Minister, I would prioritise reinforcing solutions to the national housing crisis that is severely affecting the security and stability of a large proportion of Australians. This would involve implementing more affordable housing units and increase social housing investments. In doing so, we can ensure that all Australians would have the fundamental right to live in and thrive from a safe and supportive environment.

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