2024 ATAR results produce confident, respectful, and compassionate graduates
16 December 2024

St Andrew's Anglican College is proud to announce the ATAR achievements of our graduating Class of 2024, underscoring the College's unwavering commitment to academic excellence and fostering a culture where every student strives to achieve their personal best.
At St Andrew’s, our mission is to nurture a learning environment where students are empowered to excel academically while also being supported to reach their individual goals. Theses results are a testament to the dedication and resilience of our students, as well as the commitment of our exceptional staff and supportive community.
Of the 2024 Year 12 students who were eligible for an ATAR and who have elected to share their results with the College highlights include:
- 27% of ATAR eligible students received an ATAR of 95 or above, with 46% scoring 90 or above.
- Three students received overall 100% for one of their subjects
- 15 students received straight ‘A’ results, with a further eight students achieving five ‘A’s from a six course pathway
- 52% of the cohort graduated with one or more VET Qualification (which can be received alongside an ATAR score)
Beyond the impressive academic outcomes, St Andrew’s is equally proud of its focus on holistic education. The College’s approach ensures that students are supported not only academically but also in their personal growth, co-curricular pursuits and community contributions.
We celebrate every student who has worked diligently to achieve their personal best. Each individual’s journey is unique, and we are proud of the way our engaged and committed community is here to guide and inspire them every step of the way.
The success of our students reflects the College’s vision of preparing confident, respectful, and compassionate graduates ready to make a meaningful impact in the world.
As we celebrate these results, St Andrew’s remains committed to fostering a learning environment where every student is encouraged to embrace challenges, pursue their passions and achieve their aspirations.