Learning in Action
We are passionate about making learning a journey that is personalised and intrinsically rewarding, built on strong relationships between students, teachers and home.
In creating this culture, students are more likely to thrive as a natural response to their interests and passions. We also believe that relationships are an integral part of teaching and establishing positive relationships with our students that are built on trust, underpins all that we do. The four overarching, research-based pillars below shape our approach to teaching and learning through purposeful goals, processes and strategies in our teaching models and evaluation of student progress. Through the application of these pillars, our students develop the skills they need to influence the future, understand others' intentions, actions, and feelings, and achieve their personal capacity. Our third pillar goes to the heart of learning at St Andrew's.
Our Learning and Teaching Framework
We personalise learning experiences at St Andrew's by:
- Differentiating learning experiences, based on diversity of learning needs, learning styles, gender, culture, interests and aspirations.
- Empowering student voice and choice.
- Assessing, evaluating and tracking a student’s learning journey.
- Providing continuous and individualised feedback.
- Being aware of students' developmental stages of learning.
- Embracing individualised learning pathways.
We engage and inspire learning at St Andrew's by:
- Providing interesting, meaningful and relevant experiences.
- Connecting learning to students' interests and real life contexts.
- Encouraging creativity and problem-solving.
- Modelling curriculum expertise and passion.
- Implementing varied methods of delivery.
- Embracing innovation and flexibility.
- Using thinking routines to inspire deep learning.
We inspire individual personal growth at St Andrew's by:
- Developing a spirit of enquiry and curiosity.
- Encouraging risk and adventure in learning.
- Fostering resilience and independence.
- Developing global perspectives and competencies.
- Cultivating persistence and self-regulation.
- Building personal and social capabilities.
- Celebrating the growth of all learners.
We support students to develop skills and understanding at St Andrew's by:
- Creating opportunities for critical, higher order and visible thinking.
- Forming a foundation of strong literacy and numeracy.
- Reinforming cognitive concepts and vocabulary.
- Embracing emerging technologies.
- Fostering creativity.
- Reflecting on learning.
- Creating opportunities for students to work collaboratively and independently.
- Communicating clearly and effectively.