Why Give
Supporting St Andrew’s Anglican College allows us to continue to build a #diamondstrong future for all students.
Our College was founded with vision and spirit, and continues to be supported by an engaged and committed community. From humble beginnings, our community has remained united in the importance of providing opportunities for all students to find purpose and move confidently into their futures. We have been able to achieve this through the generosity of our community of parents, staff, volunteers, alumni, partners and donors.
Donations play a significant role in enhancing our resources and facilities that will have a positive impact on both current and future students; as well as providing an education for students who would otherwise not be able to afford a St Andrew’s education.
We would be honoured to have you involved as a donor.
Where we need your support

Building Fund
We have ambitious and exciting plans for the College over the next 10 years as we look to provide our students with more opportunities and learning spaces. Your generosity will go a long way to helping us realise this vision.

Scholarships and Bursaries
Each year, the College offers a range of scholarships and bursaries. Over the last 20 years, we have provided 280 scholarships and supported 184 students through bursaries. Help us to give the gift of a St Andrew's education, to outstanding students in our community that would otherwise not be able to afford this opportunity.
Thank you to our donors
Thank you to all our donors. You make a significant difference to what we can achieve at St Andrew’s Anglican College. Whether contributing big or small, to scholarships, buildings or other programs, your support shapes and enhances the educational opportunities for our current and future students.
- Mr K Abbott
- Mr T & Mrs B Absalom
- Ms S Ainsworth
- Dr A Timbs & Ms S Alexander
- Mr & Mrs A Allen
- Mr M & Mrs K Allen
- Ms V Anstey
- Dr J & Mrs G Apel
- Mr & Mrs S Armitage
- The Athlete’s Foot
- Mr Y Attias & Ms P Kouw
- Ausfit P/L
- Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club
- Mrs A Badger
- Mr M & Mrs S Bain
- Mr S & Mrs C Bakas
- Mr A Banic & Miss N Furzer
- Mr T & Mrs J Barrett
- Mr S & Mrs K Beardsley
- Mrs L Beck
- Mr & Mrs M Becker
- Mr P & Mrs T Bell
- Mr B & Ms J Beutel
- Mr Callum Beutel
- Mr M & Mrs R Bissett
- Boost Juice
- Mr P & Mrs M Boot
- Mr M & Dr Boulton
- Mr & Mrs B Bowen
- Mr R & Mrs J Bowen
- Mr M Bradburn & Dr S Harding
- Mr D Braddock
- Mr P & Mrs H Brewer
- Mr M & Mrs E Bristow
- Mr D & Mrs M Bromage
- Mrs Brown
- Mr S & Mrs A Brown
- Mr & Mrs C Brumby
- Mr & Mrs P Butler
- Dr P Buxton
- Mr M & Mrs K Byrne
- Mr & Mrs S Cameron
- Dr C & Dr V Campbell
- Mr & Mrs A Capiaghi
- Mr N & Mrs N Caple
- Mr & Mrs A Carmichael
- Ms J Carr
- Mr R & Mrs S Cartmill
- Mr D & Mrs K Cashman
- Mr M & Mrs E Cattermole
- Mr G & Mrs Cerasani
- Mr Tom Wood Citrus Finance
- Mr Clarke & Mrs Ogilvie-Clarke
- Mr R & Mrs A Clarke
- Ms M Coglan
- Mr D Comiskey & Ms C Heaven
- Mr G & Mrs J Cooksley
- Coolum Beach Dental
- Mr J & Mrs K Costanzo
- Mr & Mrs G Cox
- Mrs P Cox
- Mr & Mrs L Crofton
- Mr M & Mrs E Crouch
- Mr T & Mrs S Cruise
- Mr & Mrs T Culleton
- Mrs L Cundy
- Mr P & Mr S Dadzio
- Mr P Daniels
- Mr Mark Davies
- Mr P De Conto Mrs L Higgins-De Conto
- Mr B & Mrs H Dean
- Mr M Delaney & Ms L Wellington
- Mr John Deshon
- Mr & Mrs C Desjardins
- Mrs P Doerfler
- Mr C Drake & Ms N Kelly
- Mr C Dryburgh & Ms B Smith
- Mrs J Duggan
- Mr C & Mrs N Dumas
- Mr & Mrs R Dunston
- Mr & Mrs D Dwyer
- Dr P Eaglen & Dr J Neve
- Mr & Mrs D Elley
- Mr H & Mrs C Ellis
- Dr D Emerick
- Eumundi Meats
- Mr Andrew Eunson
- Ms T Evans
- Mr J & Mrs T Evans
- Mr & Mrs P Farrow
- Mr R & Mrs J Fawkes
- Mr G Fensom & Mrs I Vlahakis
- Dr & Mrs B Fleming
- Mr G & Mrs M Fordyce
- Mr & Mrs M Fortey
- Mr J & Mrs C Frame
- Dr & Mrs Fraser
- Mrs M Fraser
- Mr & Mrs D Fricot
- Mr R Frohmuller
- Mrs L Frohmuller
- Dr H & Mrs F Frye
- Mr P & Mrs C Fuge
- Mr S & Mrs M Galczynski
- Mr David Gardiner
- Mr & Mrs A Gaul
- Mr Gauld & Ms Krzanich
- Gecko Pest Control
- Ms L George
- Ms M Georgeson
- Dr P & Dr J Georgius
- Mr Gibson & Dr Sumner
- Mr M & Ms N Gillham
- Mr Glenn Duncan
- Ms M Daskalu
- Mr & Mrs M Goodwin
- Mr & Dr M Gordon
- Mr & Mr A Gorissen
- Mr M & Mrs K Gough
- Mr & Mrs M Gould
- Dr C & Mrs D Graves
- Ms Amelia Gray
- Miss Catherine Green
- Mr P Griechen
- Mr D & Mrs L Guest
- Mr & Mrs M Gurry
- Mrs Adele Guy
- Mr & Mrs M Hall-Smith
- Ms N Hamilton
- Mrs Elizabeth Hammacott
- Mr Grant Harbor
- Mr & Mrs C Hawkins
- Mr A Hayden & Ms K Jull
- Ms S Hayden & Mr J Morgan
- Mr T & Mrs K Hayes
- Mr Hemmes & Mrs Hemmes-Green
- Mr & Mrs D Henderson
- Mr & Mrs E Herbert
- Mr & Mrs S Herz
- Mrs M Hewitt
- Mr B Hopper & Mrs S Hopper
- Mr G Hossack & Ms M Thomasson
- Mr P & Mrs E Hull
- Ms A O’Hare
- Mr & Mrs B Hurst
- Mr & Mrs G Hussin
- Mr & Mrs S Hutton
- Dr N & Dr I Hutton
- Mr N Innis & Ms V Balatti
- Mr G & Mrs S Irwin
- Rev C & Mrs E Ivey
- Mr H & Mrs J Ivey
- Mr C & Mrs B Jackson
- Mr & Mrs D Jaggs
- Jetts Fitness
- Mr E & Mrs C Jones
- Mr & Mrs M Joseph
- Mr J & Mrs E Kelly
- Len and Nicole Kirk
- Miss Tanya Kirkby
- Mr & Mrs B Knowles
- Mr P Kostromin & Mrs A Fraser
- Mr & Mrs T Lacey
- Ms Lambourne
- Mr T & Mrs M Lawrence
- Mr C & Mrs K Leaman
- Mr S & Mrs L Leck
- Mr M Legzdins & Ms A Carroll
- Mr D Leitch & Mrs D Jones
- Dr & Mrs I Lemmey
- Mr & Mrs Levenson
- Limehouse Pring
- Mr & Mrs A Linthorne
- Livelife Pharmacy
- LocalLife
- Mr M & Mrs J Luca
- Mr & Mrs S Luhrs
- Dr & Mrs D Macfarlane
- Mr C & Mrs N MacGowan
- Mr G Macvicar & Ms L Barton
- Mr K Mahoney
- Dr’s T & D Malone
- Mr & Mrs Martin
- Mr C Maskiell & Ms M Suarez
- Mr D Mathers
- Mr D & Mrs E McArdle
- Mrs K McCarthy
- Reverend G & Mrs R McClellan
- Mr G & Mrs N McCrohon
- Mr & Mrs S McDiarmid
- Mr T & Mrs M McGary
- Mr and Mrs T McGavin
- Mr Matthew McGregor
- Mr P McKeown & Dr K Apel
- Mrs J Meder
- Prof T Mehigan & Dr A Cole
- Mercedes Benz Sunshine Coast
- Mr & Mrs G Meyer
- Mr R Milicevic & Ms B Kelly-Milicevic
- Mr T & Mrs A Miller
- Mr & Mrs C Mohr
- Mr J & Mrs S Montgomery
- Mr & Mrs N Mooney
- Mr & Mrs K Moore
- Senator Claire Moore
- Mr M & Mrs M Morgan
- Mr G & Mrs D Morris
- Mr & Mrs J Moses
- Mr D & Mrs M Murphy
- Mr and Mrs Murphy
- Mrs K Murray
- Mr R & Mrs A Murray
- Mr C & Mrs V Neal
- Mr & Mrs H Neale
- Mr M Neibling & Ms K Sanders
- Dr K & Mrs H Ng
- Mr M & Mrs J Nicholas
- Mr K Noble & Ms K Eadington
- Mr & Mrs B Ogilvie
- Mr & Mrs Parker
- Mr J & Mrs C Parkinson
- Mr D & Mrs D Passaportis
- Mr R Paterson
- Mr Brett Payne
- Mr & Mrs G Payne
- Mr C & Mrs C Peebles
- Mr C Penny & Dr O Billingham
- Peregian Beach News
- Peregian Family Medical Centre
- Peregian Springs Shopping Ctr
- Peregian Springs Sports Injury
- Mr Petralia & Ms Bougadakis
- Mr P & Mrs A Pettit
- Mr P & Mrs S Phillips
- Mr Cameron Piper
- Mr McGrath & Miss Plunkett
- Mr & Mrs R Powell
- Dr D Powell & Dr J Haire
- Dr & Mrs S Priestley
- Mr D & Mrs J Reed
- Mr S & Ms J Rees
- Mr T & Mrs A Reynolds
- Mr Ribeiro & Mrs Moll-Ribeiro
- Mr M & Mrs M Richardson
- Richardson & Wrench Noosa
- Mr M & Mrs S Rieger
- Road Ready
- Mrs N Roberts
- Mrs John Roberts
- Mr T Roberts
- Mr & Mrs Robinson
- Mr & Mrs M Robinson
- Mr S Robson
- Mr J & Mrs I Rorke
- Mr J Ross & Ms L Worthington
- Mr & Mrs D Rouse
- Mr J Rubulis & Ms A Bourgeois
- Mr D Ryan and Ms T Vanzella
- Mr & Mrs T Ryan
- Mr & Mrs S Sagar
- Mr & Mrs J Sandford-Bell
- Ms N Cameron
- Mr J and Mrs A Schollay
- Mr & Mrs G Schumann
- Mr & Mrs E Seetoo
- Ms T Serrat De Souza
- Dr C Martin & Mrs M Shannon
- Mr R & Mrs L Shaw
- Ms L Shay
- Mr P & Mrs K Shilkin
- Dr S & Mr G Simon
- Dr R & Mrs C Simpson
- Mr & Mrs P Sjogren
- Mr & Mrs D Smith
- Mr S & Mrs K Smith
- Dr D & Mrs N Sparling
- Mr A & Mrs C St Baker
- Ms K Stedman
- Mr A & Mrs A Stephens
- Dr N Sterling
- Ms H Stewart
- Stockguard Fencing
- Dr & Mrs G Strachan
- Sushine Vein Clinic
- Mr Hayden Stintman
- SUP Noosa
- Mr M Sweetland
- Mr & Mrs S Swenson
- Brian and Diane Symons
- Synergy Physio
- Dr & Mrs N Taft
- Mr A Tarsilli & Ms M Wallace
- Mr S & Mrs K Telburn
- Mr & Mrs R Thompson
- Mr A & Mrs E Thomson
- Mr M & Mrs T Thornton
- Mr C & Mrs N Tilling
- Mr & Mrs Tolhoek
- Mr & Mrs R Townsend
- Mr & Mrs Tunnington
- Ms M van der Splinter
- Mr H Veivers & Mrs D Collins
- Mr I Vesely and Ms V Vesela
- Dr Wendy Vidler
- Mr E & Mrs M Vogen
- Mr & Mrs P Wade
- Dr & Mrs Wakefield
- Ms P Wakely
- Mr M & Dr S Wallace
- Mr T Walton & Mrs L Walton
- Mr W Wang & Mrs Zhaohui Li
- Mr & Mrs B Ward
- Mr Edward Wardlaw
- Mr J & Mrs C Warren
- Mrs V Waters
- Mr & Mrs G Watson
- Mr G & Mrs J Waugh
- Mr G Webber
- Mr C and Mrs J Weldon
- Mr & Mrs G Whateley
- Mr R White & Ms D Potts
- Mr T White & Mrs K Wilson
- Mr M & Mrs R White
- White’s IGA
- Mr & Mrs J Wilkie
- Mr P & Mrs T Williams
- Miss M Williams-Ritchie
- Mr & Mrs R Wilson
- Mr Wilson & Mrs Vaello Ruiz
- Ms Witton
- Dr & Mrs P Woodhouse
- Mr J & Mrs L Woodward
- Mr R & Mrs K Wydell
- Mr R & Mrs H Wylie
- Ms M Young
- Mr J & Mrs C Young
20 Years of
Scholarships and Bursaries

The Power of a Scholarship
Jack Buksh, Class of 2017
Opportunity. That’s what a scholarship for St Andrew’s meant for 2017 graduate Jack Buksh.
Jack was the first recipient of the Principal’s scholarship in 2013, which provides full remission of College fees for a worthy student who would otherwise not be able to afford a St Andrew’s education – a humbling experience he says he will forever be grateful for.
Jack now 23, reflects that not only did the scholarship provide him the opportunity to attend St Andrew’s, but also shaped the person he is today.
“It was an education I mightn’t have had otherwise… I count myself lucky to have received it, not everyone gets that chance,” he said.