Based on our Christian foundation in the Anglican tradition, we build Personal Capacity to enable our students to find purpose and move confidently into their futures.
Our Identity
A community with Vision and Spirit
Our Values
A community with Respect and Christ-like Compassion. With vision formed through Curiosity and followed with Courage.
And spirit that is displayed through Engagement and Commitment. When our values are embodied, we are #DiamondStrong
To have vision is to be able to 'see with one's mind'—to envisage a good and balanced place ahead.
St Andrew’s Anglican College was founded with a vision to offer personalised learning experiences that inspire and engage students. We are known for our pioneering spirit, which enabled us to establish and build the thriving community we are today. We are curious through our desire to explore new ideas and possibilities, and we are courageous in developing a mindset that allows us to step outside of our comfort zones with grit and resilience. In casting and holding true to our vision, we will see progress individually and collectively (Habakkuk 2:2), as we create opportunities and personalised pathways that will assist our students to move confidently into their futures.

And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so they may run who reads it.”
Habakkuk 2:2

Spirit is the expression of energy, liveliness, and enthusiasm within an individual, group or whole school community.
St Andrew’s Anglican College is a school with spirit where the students, staff and community are encouraged to be engaged in all aspects of College life. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence, passions and the embracing of new challenges, as well as the importance of supporting others on their journey. Our whole community is engaged in developing the character, creativity and uniqueness of each student, drawing on the inspiration and example of the Holy Spirit who creates and sustains (Psalm 104:30). Our College community maintains our positive culture through encouragement and participation and is committed to making the most of the opportunities that are presented to in order to build personal capacity through the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities.
You created all of them by your Spirit, and you give new life to the earth.
Psalm 104:30
Strategic Intent
Our College motto, with Vision and Spirit, continues to drive our strategic intent—'based on our Christian foundation in the Anglican tradition, we build Personal Capacity to enable our students to find purpose and move confidently into their futures.'
At St Andrew’s, the best aspects of a traditional Anglican School education are combined with a vision for what students need today and for their exciting futures. All these considerations produce a learning environment which is distinctively St Andrew’s, but with the standards of care, Christian values, academic rigour, focus on independent learning and a positive environment exemplified by other leading independent schools across Australia.
To achieve this, the College has been fortunate to attract a high calibre of staff who seek each day to provide unique, engaging and broad educational opportunities for the students in their care.
Our Value Statements are our commitment to building Personal Capacity.